Axis Macro - Round Values are Overrated


The default for the %AxisOrder macro is to return by values of the form:

    1, 2, 2.5, or 5.
In this particular example the macro selects 5 as the best choice.

*--- default macro application ---;

However, there is an optional parameter RoundBys that will allow the macro to search among a larger set of candidate by values. The larger set adds the following values to our original list:

    1.25, 1.5, 3, 4, 6, 7.5, and 8
The amount of wasted space at top and bottom is what drives the selection of the recommended by values. In the case of our dummy dataset, we have less wasted space when we use 4 as the by value.

*--- RoundBys=N broadens the search list ---;